Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Someone To Look Up To

I am becoming increasingly more aware of the fact that a lot of my readers are, in fact, "big kids" (as we call them at our house) and adults living with type 1. This post is for you.... as I proudly put you on a pedestal.

As I get to know more of you and more about your lives, it is clear to me that you have not let Diabetes define you. As a mom of a toddler with type 1, I get so wrapped up in our daily lives, that I forget that she will grow up, live a "normal" life, wear fun clothes, travel, have a job, go on dates, get married, be a mommy, and..... you get the point. It is so refreshing to meet normal, beautiful, successful, and smart people that live full lives and do it all while taking care of a chronic condition.

My husband and I already draw Bug's attention to "big kids", athletes, singers, cheerleaders, artists, dancers, and parents that "wear a pump" or "check their blood sugar too!" Our Bug has an uncle who has type 1 and rarely are we able to mention his existence without her reminding us (proudly) that he "checks his sugar too, just like me!" In an odd way we are thankful that she can look up to him and watch him live a life unlimited by diabetes. (no pressure or anything, Uncle W.)

So, as you (big kid/adult/person living with type 1) go about your daily life today, tomorrow and so on, please know that a little girl under my roof thinks you are amazing.... super hero status almost.... and she wants to grow up to be just like you. Keep playing your sports, cheerleader-ing, working hard, wearing fabulous clothes, parenting, writing, and just being someone that gives Bug (and her mommy) hope.

Thank you.

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